Email Settings - Unable to send or receive emails

If you are having issues sending and/or receiving emails, we made some changes on the evening of 05/06/2019 which has likely caused this. Apologies for the lack of notice - we've had to do this as an urgent change to prevent abuse of our email servers following a recent spam outbreak from an account on one of our servers.

To resolve this, you will have to ensure your settings match the recommended settings shown in cPanel. You can see these by logging into cPanel and going to 'Email Accounts', then ' Connect Devices' next to your email account. This page will show the recommended settings.  If are familiar with email settings, then the below will explain what needs changing, which may be quicker than logging into cPanel.

You must ensure you have enabled the SSL/TLS setting on your incoming and outgoing server settings, and that you are using the secure ports (993 for IMAP and 995 for POP) to connect to our server, and ensure that your outgoing/SMTP username and password are filled out. The outgoing/SMTP port should be 465. On some email clients you have to set the 'authentication type' to password.

If you would like to know what has changed and why, please read the below. 

We have tightened up our email server security in light of recent events with an exploited account on one of our servers.

If your email client isn't using our recommended email configuration settings, you may have problems sending and/or receiving emails.

You must connect to our email servers using SSL/TLS security and you must authenticate to send emails.

Previously we allowed insecure connections to our server, this means that your login details were sent over the internet in plaintext. This is clearly not a good idea, especially in this day and age hence why we are now forcing connections to be secure.

There was also an option enabled which meant that if you authenticated with the email server for IMAP or POP, then you could send emails without specifically authenticating with SMTP. This was convenient for customers as it meant less configuration was needed however it also created potential security issues, so this option has now been disabled.

If you require any further assistance please feel free to submit a support ticket.

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